NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

The Seven Deadly Sins under FCRA

FCRA Department has recently suspended the FCRA registration of an NGO. The suspension letter (available at MHA web-site) lists some notable worry-points:

1. Transfer of foreign contribution for activities outside India

2. Paying fees / expenses for foreigners who were visiting India on a tourist visa

3. Depositing FC directly into a utilization bank account

4. Transfer of funds between two utilization bank accounts

5. Transfer of funds between local and FCRA bank accounts

6. Organizing dharna / rally with 'political hue'

7. Advocacy / lobbying with MPs

The legal basis for some of these (1, 2, 6, 7) is not very clear, and the charges may not hold up in a court. However, it would be wise to keep in line till there is a clear court order on disputed issues.

Ref: 1. Suspension letter dated 31-May-16
