NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Donors on FCRA Watchlist

Following donors are currently on FCRA Watchlist. This list has been compiled from newspaper reports:

1. 350.Org

2. Avaaz, USA

3. Bertha Foundation


5. Caritas Internationalis

6. Catholic Organisation for Relief and Development Aids (CORDAID)

7. Climate Work Foundation (CWF), USA

8. Compassion International, USA

9. Dan Church Aid (DCA)

10. Danish Institute of Human Rights (DIHR)

11. Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA)

12. Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, South Korea

13. Greenpeace International

14. HIVOS Netherlands

15. ICCO Stretegische Samenwerking (ICCO), Netherlands

16. Inter Church Peace Council-Pax Christi (IKV-PC), Netherlands

17. Mercy Corps, USA

18. National Endowment for Democracy (NED)

19. Open Society Foundations (OSF)

20. Sierra Club USA

21. World Movement for Democracy (WMD)

Of these 21, eight had been placed on the list by UPA. The balance 13 have been added by NDA government.

Banks are under RBI instructions to clear any donations or other such remittances from these donors with FCRA Department, before crediting them to NGO's account. Some banks follow these instructions rigorously - others don't. Therefore, some remittances slip through, while others are delayed till FCRA Department clears these.