NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Funding Opportunity for NGOs

The Vijay Amritraj Foundation is based on the principles established by Mr. Amritraj, that In Giving We Receive. The Vijay Amritraj Foundation brings hope, help and healing to the defenseless and innocent victims of disease, tragedy and circumstance in India.
Driven by our founders firm belief that in giving we receive, the foundation pledges to make a real difference for those throughout India who are most in need of the helping hand of humanity.
Funding Priorities
The Foundations focus is on funding the smaller charities of India who do not have the ability to raise money or awareness for their causes. Charities serving children and adults who face extreme challenges in life; HIV/AIDS, Family Abandonment, and Individuals Ostracized by society for their illness.
What we Fund
The Vijay Amritraj Foundation (VAF) makes grants to approved NGO’s throughout India. All prospective applicants should fully review the guidelines for the Foundation before making initial contact. Our grantmaking is carried out in three ways:
• The VAF requests proposals from charitable organizations in India with which we have been in contact.
• The VAF will accept proposals from charitable organizations in India who are referred by existing grantees and/or VAF Ambassadors.
• The VAF accepts unsolicited requests from charitable organizations in India for projects that fall within our program priorities and guidelines.
Because available funding is limited, letters of inquiry are required for unsolicited programs or projects. Such letters should include a brief description of the project, the funding requested, and the period of time for which the funding is being requested.
Both general-purpose and project-specific requests are considered. In addition, both single and multi-year proposals are acceptable