NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Nippon Foundation Overseas Grants for NGOs/NPOs Outside Japan

Deadline: Throughout the Year
The Nippon Foundation accepts applications from the non-profit organizations based outside of Japan throughout the year for its Overseas Grants. Any local, regional or international NGOs/NPOs including educational and research institutions based outside of Japan are invited to submit proposals on different funding areas covered by the foundation.
Funding Areas:
1.    Improvement of Basic Human Needs
2.    Human Resource Development
3.    Promotion of International Collaborative Undertakings
The Nippon Foundation is an independent, non-profit, grant-making organization that provides aid to projects under four major categories:
1.    Public welfare in Japan
2.    Voluntary programs in Japan
3.    Maritime and ship-related projects
4.    Overseas cooperative assistance
For the Nippon Foundation Overseas Grants, priority is given to proposals that contain at least one of the following features:
1.    Pragmatic and realistic approaches to issues and problems
2.    Potential for future development and self-sustainability
3.    Far-reaching social and regional impact
4.    Pioneering significance; creating new visions and acting as catalyst for positive changes and social transformations
5.    A diversity of race, gender, ethnicity, social class, cultures and societies
Eligibility Criteria:
§  Applicant must be local, regional or international non-governmental/non-profit organization (including educational and research institutions) based outside of Japan.
§  Private individuals or for-profit organizations are ineligible to apply for the grant.
§  Any program that is already in its operational phase is not eligible for grant consideration.
§  Resubmission of previously rejected proposals is not accepted.
An application material consists of a cover letter, an application summary form, a project budget and a project proposal to the Nippon Foundation’s Overseas Grants.