NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

New Project Information

Organization: Project Inspire

Deadline: 30th Jun 2014

Interest Area(s): Children & Young People, Community, Education, and Social & Human Services

Project Inspire promotes projects that empower disadvantaged women and girls in the developing world through entrepreneurship and business literacy. Submissions must focus on existing projects that benefit women and girls in the Asia-Pacific region, Africa, or the Middle East. To be eligible for a grant, your project must meet the following requirements: beneficiaries must be women or girls in Asia-Pacific, the Middle East or Africa; empower disadvantaged women through entrepreneur-ship and business literacy; can be implemented with a maximum budget of $25,000 and fieldwork on the project must commence no later than 1st Feb 2015.

For apply please visit: