NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

MISEREOR supports Indian NGOs

Name of ODA agency/Ministry

MISEREOR IHR HILFSWERK- The German Catholic Bishops’ Organisation for Development Cooperation

Name of grant programme
Empowerment of the poor


MISEREOR was founded in 1958 as an agency against “hunger and disease in the world”. It is the overseas
development agency of the Catholic Church in Germany. It cooperates in partnership to promote development, fight poverty, liberate people from injustice, exercise solidarity with the poor, and help create “One World“. Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) is responsible for making public
funds available to the Catholic Church for development measures. These funds are disbursed through the Katholische Zentralstelle für Entwicklungshilfe (Catholic Central Agency for Development Aid).

Types of grant

This fund is a partnership between MISEREOR and the local partner organisations in the project country. The funding provides two kinds of partnerships: Church-based and non Church-based partnerships. Non church-based partnerships include Non-Governmental Organisations.

Grant size

The grant size is determined on a case-to-case basis.

Own Contribution
The need for own contributions is also determined on a
case-to case basis.

Funding Priorities

For India the funding priorities are:

• Promotion of community health
• Meaningful primary education
• Non-formal vocational training
• Promotion of women‘s organisations
• Promotion of credit societies
The project aims to include people from all sections of society including marginalised parts of the population such
as Dalits, Adivasis, women, children and also people with disabilities.

Eligibility Criteria

Eligible applicants are registered societies, charities, NGOs, cooperatives, dioceses or associations. They can enter into a project contract with MISEREOR and become project partners for the fund. The strategic framework of the project should be on the following lines:

• It should describe the criteria for the selection of the target group and mention in which zones, regions, municipalities or communities the target group was selected.
• It should address the social and economic problems of the target group. • There should not be any gender inequalities while implementing the project as per the norms of the Millennium Development Goals.


The guidelines for submitting project proposals for funding can be downloaded from the website at

Project Duration

The project duration varies.


There is no specified deadline for the project. Proposals can be submitted at any time of the year.

Application Forms

The application forms can also be downloaded from the website at

Application Forms

After submitting applications, the approval process may take up to six months. During this period, MISEREOR may ask the applicant for further information and clarification. If a  project is approved, a contract is signed between MISEREOR and the organisation submitting the proposal.




MISEREOR supports people irrespective of race, religion, nationality or sex. Its projects are primarily focused on the improvement of living conditions of poor population groups in the target countries. It does not implement any overseas projects on its own but supports partner organisations. MISEREOR is presently implementing projects in the following countries: Nepal, India, East Timor, The Philippines, Latin America, Africa and the Middle East.


Official name


Name in English

The German Catholic Bishops’ Organisation for
Development Cooperation

++ 49 (0)241-4420



Postfach 10 15 45
52015 Aachen
