NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Iris Aid Supports Indian NGOs with FCRA

Name of ODA agency/Ministry

Irish Aid

Name of grant programme

In-Country Micro Project Scheme


Irish Aid is the Government of Ireland’s programme to provide assistance to developing countries, which began in
1974. Irish Aid in India is managed by the Embassy of Ireland, New Dehli, through the In-Country Micro Project Scheme (ICMPS). The Micro Project Scheme is designed to provide financial assistance primarily to Non- governmental Organisations.

Types of grant

Co-funding projects

Grant size

So far, the maximum grant size has been € 26,000, with a maximum implementation period of three years.

Own Contribution

This fund covers about 75% of the project costs for NGOs in recipient countries. (International travel and costs for expatriate staff cannot be covered by the grant.)

Funding Priorities
The Micro Project Scheme funds innovative projects that are in line with the objectives of the Millennium Development Goals, especially projects that address the root causes of poverty in a way that is strategic and cost effective, enhances local capacity and ownership, and is consistent with Irish Aid’s other work. Priority is given to projects in the following sectors:

• Basic Education
• Primary Health Care
• Water and Sanitation
• Micro-enterprise development
• Training and Capacity Building
• Democratic governance

The project should be sustainable, it should include all sections of society without any discrimination on the basis
of gender, it should be effective and it should make use of appropriate and innovative technologies. The geographical focus is generally on the underserved districts of Orissa, Karnataka, West Bengal, Dehli NCR and
Tamil Nadu.

Eligibility Criteria

Eligible applicants are registered NGOs, community based organisations, faith-based organisations involved
in development work, cooperatives, farmer associations and trade unions, registered under Foreign Contribution
Regulation Act (FCRA) of the Government of India. Applicant organisations are expected to possess a verifiable track record of public-private partnerships, transparency in governance, financial accountability and facilitation of community stake holding, in previous project. Projects that are NOT eligible for funding under this scheme are:

• Projects that are primarily of a welfare nature and that are clearly not sustainable without external support,
such as feeding programmes or the provision of financial relief
• Emergency projects that are in response to natural or human disasters
• Projects that involve evangelisation or the proselytising of religious beliefs
• Projects involving sponsorship or scholarships of individuals or families
• Projects that have received funding in the past from
Irish Aid under other budget lines such as the NGO Co-financing Scheme or the Human Rights and Democratisation Scheme


The guidelines for the grant programme are available on the website at   

Project Duration

Pilot projects – six months
Short term projects – one year
Long term projects – three years


There are no set deadlines.

Application Forms

Application forms will be sent to the applicant after an initial concept note sent by them has been approved by the
funding agency.

Application and Procedures

Prospective applicant organisations will first have to send a three to four-page concept note describing the proposed project with a budget outline. If the concept is approved, then an application pack will be sent to the NGO for it to submit a full proposal in the relevant format with all details of budget and annexure. It takes two to three weeks to process a concept note and about three months to process a full proposal.




The scheme is administered by the Development Cooperation Section at the Embassy of Ireland, New Delhi in
coordination with the Department of External Affairs, Ministry of Finance, and Government of India who are joint reviewers of the application. When possible, they make a preliminary visit to the applicant’s project area to assess the technical expertise that will be required to implement the project. The funding scheme and its operations are inspected and audited periodically, to ensure transparency and efficiency of funding. Currently, under this scheme, projects are being implemented in the districts of Karnataka, Orissa, West Bengal, Delhi NCR
and Tamil Nadu.

Official name
An Roinn Gnothai Eachtracha

Name in English
Department of Foreign Affairs

Development Cooperation Directorate
+ 91 11 2462 6733

The Program Officer
Development Cooperation Section,
Embassy of Ireland,
230, Jor Bagh,
New Delhi 110 003.