NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

#OpenDataApps Challenge

Dear Sir/Madam,
Open Data Initiative of Government of India allows Ministries & Departments to publish datasets through Data Portal India ( in open format. In order to encourage innovation through Open Government Data, the National Informatics Centre (NIC) in association with NASSCOM has launched €œ#OpenDataApps Challenge€ on August 8, 2013.
We invite Entrepreneurs, Innovators, Start-ups, Developers, Civil Society and IT industry at large to create unique and useful Apps across platforms and devices ranging from Mobile/Tablet, SMS to Voice-based applications using Open Government Data.
Timeline of the Contest:
·  August 08, 2013: Registration Already Opened
·  August 20, 2013 (11:59 pm): Registration Close Date & Submission of Concept Note
·  September 10, 2013 (11:59 pm): Early Bird Submissions
·  September 20, 2013 (11:59 pm): Last Date of Application Submission
·  25th to 27th September, 2013: Demonstration of Shortlisted Applications
You can Win! 

1st Prize: 1,00,000 INR
2nd Prize: 50,000 INR

(In any 3 Sectors to be decided by the Jury depending on the submissions)
More details about the contest including registration related details are available at
Please feel free to contact us for any further information.
We hope you will enjoy the contest!

NDSAP Programme Management Unit (PMU)
3rd Floor, National Informatics Centre
A-Block, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road
New Delhi - 110003