NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Boot Camp On Peace and Conflict Management for Youth Representatives.

The Chief Executive
Civil Society Organisations,Odisha

Sub: Boot Camp On Peace and Conflict Management for Youth Representatives.
Sir / Madam,
            Greetings from MasterPeace – India ( )
            MasterPeace is an international grassroots level peace building organization working in 42 countries worldwide ( ) with the ideology to promote peace movement through Music, dialogue, art, culture and conflict management. The mission of MasterPeace is to inspire everyone to use his/her talent and energy to building peace and togetherness. In January 2011, MasterPeace was awarded as the most innovative idea by the Queen of the Netherlands at the Big Improvement Day. In April 2013, MasterPeace was selected as one of the most 100 innovative organizations worldwide and UN has also endorsed MasterPeace to expand MasterPeace Clubs in different parts of the world. A team of MasterPeacers in Odisha have joined hands and have received license from MasterPeace Central Office, Cairo, Egypt to establish MasterPeace Club – India in Bhubaneswar, Odisha

MasterPeace Internatonal with the local support of MasterPeace – India is organizing a 04 days Boot Camp on Peace and Conflict Management issues  for youth representatives of NGOs & MasterPeacers during last week of August/ First week of September , 2013. The objective of the boot camp is to orient the youth representatives of NGOs and MasterPeacers on techniques of Peace building and conflict resolution through Art, Music, Dance and Cultural activities.
The training will be conducted by Ms. Aida Mohamed Sherif Hassan Sammour from MasterPeace International, Cairo, Egypt along with local trainers.           The exact venue and date will be communicated to you on receipt of your letter of interest.
MasterPeace India will provide to & fro second class train / bus fair to each participants coming outside Bhubaneswar on production of tickets. Breakfast, Lunch & dinner will be provided by the hosting organization during the workshop. The participant has to arrange his / her accommodation for stay during the workshop period  . If you need  any support for arranging  your accommodation please inform us in advance.
We therefore, request you to be a part of MasterPeace movement in India by enrolling yourself as member and participating in different peace building activities.
The membership form will be sent to you on request , which may kindly be returned  along with your consent to participate in the training.

With Regards,

Sincerely yours
Dr M.R.Mishra
Country Coordinator
MasterPeace- India
Sun Enclave,
 Raghunathpur, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
Phone – 7854872808.