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Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

ACCESS Development Services & ASSIST seeks nominations for Microfinance India Awards 2013

ACCESS Development Services & ASSIST seeks nominations under multiple categories for Microfinance India Awards. It is an important event that marks the Microfinance India Summit to recognize individuals and institutions that have engaged in sectoral issues, contributed to its growth and have demonstrated commitment to instill high standards into practice. We request our members to send their nominations as per the guidelines. 

ACCESS & ASSIST are pleased to announce the
Microfinance India Awards 2013
Annually presented, the Microfinance India Awards, instituted by ACCESS with support from HSBC, recognize individuals and institutions that have tirelessly engaged in sectoral issues, contributed to its growth and have demonstrated commitment to instill high standards into practice. In the last four years since the Awards were first instituted, they have come to be highly respected within the sector and are highly coveted. To recognize the diverse efforts in sector building, the Microfinance India Awards 2013 will cover a broader range of categories to recognize and felicitate the wide range of efforts that have been made in building the microfinance sector in India.

Last date for receiving completed nomination form is July 31, 2013
In case of queries, please contact: 
"The Awards Secretariat"- Albert Rozario at 011 - 26510915 / 26536436 / 26536435, Mobile - 9871541059 , Fax - 01126850821
Send the completed nomination form by e-mail at:  
Send us the hard copy to "The Secretariat - Microfinance India Awards 2013" Address - 28, Hauz Khas Village, 1st Floor, New Delhi

For more information on eligibility, process and to download the nomination forms, visit