NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Invitation to be the participant for International Conference on Empowering Women by Mainstreaming Self Help Groups for Sustainability

Subject: Invitation to be the participant for International Conference on Empowering Women by Mainstreaming Self Help Groups for Sustainability - Reg.

ni-msme/IC- EWMSHGS /2022-23/

Date: 03/08/2022


Greetings from National Institute for MSME (ni-msme), Hyderabad !!!

Sub: Invitation to be the participant for International Conference on Empowering Women by Mainstreaming Self Help Groups for Sustainability - Reg.


National Institute of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (ni-msme), is an organisation of the Ministry of MSME, Government of India. The raison d'ĂȘtre of this Institute is to assist the Government in formulating policies for micro, small and medium enterprises and to help the practicing and potential entrepreneurs through a host of services like training, research, consultancy, information, education and extension.


The Institute has trained 5,48,815 participants by organizing 16,198 programmes for Officials from various Ministries of Govt. of India and State Governments. ni-msme has also imparted skill training to 1,78,443 educated unemployed youth by conducting 6096 Entrepreneurship & Skill Development Programmes (ESDPs). The Institute is implementing ITEC Scheme of Ministry of External Affairs, Govt. of India since 1967 and trained more than 10,646 International Executives from 145 developing countries. ni-msme has also completed more than 949 research and consultancy projects.


To commemorate the 60th Foundation Year of the Institute, ni-msme has organised four (4) physical and three (3) Virtual International Conferences.  We are happy to share that ni-msme is organising yet another International Conference on Empowering Women by Mainstreaming Self Help Groups for Sustainability during 18 & 19 August, 2022 at its campus.


The purpose of this International Conference is to exchange ideas and views to implement programmes on the Empowering Women through Self Help Groups approach. This conference is intended to be conducted to provide qualitative insights on dynamics of SHG led interventions across the globe to promote sustainable livelihoods. This conference platform will bring together Thought Leaders, Heads of the State and Government, Scholars, Entrepreneurs of MSME’s, Youth Groups, and Civil Society representatives across the Nation and Globe. The Conference will establish itself as a responsible and an effective platform for mobilizing opinion makers to identify and advance pioneering actions to address some of the most relevant issues. Another attraction of the Conference is Exhibition to showcase the products among wider audience for networking.  International Conference brochure is enclosed for kind reference.


We look forward to your kind confirmation. Registration link

If you want to send more than one person for the conference, please fill the form as per the number of attendees with their Individual names. 

Registration link and way to book the stall for product exhibition is also mentioned in the attached brochure. 

Yours sincerely,

Vivek Kumar

Associate Faculty Member

School of Entrepreneurship and Extension (SEE)

National Institute for MSME (ni-msme)

Yousufguda, Hyderabad – 500045