NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Water for Women Fund – Request for Proposals

1 September update: Added Addendum 1: All other information released on 18 August 2017 remains unchanged.

DFAT invites proposals from eligible Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) to implement gender and socially inclusive Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) projects in South Asia, South-East Asia and the Pacific through the Water for Women Fund.

The Fund is a flagship program in Australia's engagement in WASH and is part of Australia's commitment to the High Level Panel on Water. The Fund will invest $110.6 million over five years to December 2022 to improve the health, gender equality and well-being of Asian and Pacific communities through inclusive, sustainable WASH projects.

The Fund will draw on the strengths and comparative advantages of CSOs, recognised as key partners in Australia's aid program. A Fund Coordinator (subject to a parallel open tender) will support the work of CSOs and DFAT.

Proposals must be submitted online:

CSOs are expected to submit a separate application for each proposal. A Competitive Grant Guidelines document is available below. It includes guidance on process and eligibility. In addition to the guidelines document, the Water for Women Fund Investment Design Documentshould inform the development of proposals.

DFAT will hold one applicant briefing for interested organizations at 2.00pm, 25 August 2017 at the DFAT Victoria State Office, Level 14, 55 Collins Street, Melbourne. RSVP for attendance at this briefing is due via email to by COB 23 August 2017. See Section 4.2 of the Competitive Grant Guidelines for more details.


·         Water for Women Fund Competitive Grant Guidelines [DOCX 260 KB][PDF 997 KB]

·         Addendum 1 [PDF 65 KB] | [DOCX 33 KB]

·         Presentation – Applicant Briefing 25 August 2017 [PDF 1 MB] | [PPTX 3.1 MB]

Questions or comments

All questions or comments should be directed to by 22 September 2017. DFAT will not respond to queries about the application process in any other manner.
