NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Call for Expressions of Interest: Innovative Solutions Marketplace

Dear Friends,


I have included herewith a call for expression of interest for an innovative solutions marketplace. The call is also available on our website here.


Expressions of interest can be submitted via an online submission form highlighting programme/project achievements up to 2 October 2017.


Please do considering sharing this announcement in your network.





Call for Expressions of Interest: Innovative Solutions Marketplace


Showcase of Innovative Solutions for Building Resilience in the Hindu Kush Himalaya


The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), jointly with the Ministry of Population and Environment, Government of Nepal and with support from the European Union, is hosting an international conference titled "Resilient Hindu Kush Himalaya: Developing Solutions towards a Sustainable Future for Asia" from 3 to 6 December in Kathmandu, Nepal. The conference will bring together more than 200 experts from around the globe to identify, discuss, and jointly recommend possible resilient solution packages suitable for mountain areas.


The conference will feature a marketplace-style innovative solutions event where participating organizations will be able to showcase ongoing or recently completed projects and innovations in the Hindu Kush Himalaya. Showcases can be made as demonstrations, displays, audio-visual exhibits, or interactive activities. Featured programme/project presentations must relate in fresh and innovative ways to building mountain resilience. Presentations must relate to at least one of the following themes: 


·         Addressing environmental and social vulnerabilities

·         Climate change adaptation approaches

·         Ecosystem-based adaptation

·         Resilient agricultural practices and sustainable food security

·         Gender and social dynamics

·         Market-based responses

·         Technology solutions

·         Renewable energy

·         Water resource management

·         Upstream-downstream linkages in relation to water sources

·         Disaster risk reduction

·         Community-led decision making tools and instruments

·         Media and communication for sustainable mountain development

·         Waste management (recycle and reuse)


Interested organizations should use submit expressions of interest using the submission form highlighting their programme/project achievements by 2 October 2017.


Preference will be given to projects/programmes that exhibit cutting-edge approaches to community innovation, gender inclusiveness, and inclusive resilience building practices. 


A maximum of 20 institutions/programmes/projects will be selected to exhibit their material in the marketplace. There is limited need-based funding available to support a few of the selected presenters to attend the conference. 


Please note the innovative solutions marketplace is open only to projects conducted in countries in the HKH—Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal and Pakistan. 


Please direct queries related to the marketplace to with a copy to