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Wednesday, August 30, 2017

NGO Advisor announces the Top 500 NGOs WORLD 2017

Geneva, Switzerland – The fifth edition of the Top 500 NGOs World was published December, 12 2016. Known as the Ivy League of the nonprofit world, the Top 500 ranks NGOs in order to showcase the best practices and newest ideas in the sector. The NGOs in this year's ranking are more influential, more powerful, and more innovative than ever before. With 32 new entrants to the list, and thus 32 NGOs leaving the list, this edition reflects the broader evolution of the nonprofit sector as well as the issues faced by global civil society from the local level to the transnational level.

In the last ten years, NGOs have moved further and further from their origins as charity businesses and expanded into an increasingly diverse range of activities. Nonprofits are investing in social enterprise, cultivating academic expertise, and finding strategic ways to address urgent development crises around the world. The fifth edition highlights the evolving values of the sector as a whole, as nonprofits shift away from older strategies of playing to investors and instead focus on producing tangible results. It seems that the impact measurement movement is here to stay.

In order to be consistent, we decided to review and score nominees (over 2'000 for the current edition) based on 2015 data and information. As regards the 2016 edition, we have had a mix of participants with information related to 2014 and 2015. For obvious methodologic concerns we wanted all participants to be on the same line. Because NGOs, NPOs, SOEs, B-Corps which we are looking at, provide their annual report and financial statements between April and September each year, for the most part, from now on further edition will be published every December.

The Top 500 NGOs is a unique ranking in the world of nonprofit evaluation, combining evidence-based quantitative analysis with thorough qualitative research. The Top 500 NGOs has been published in Geneva, Switzerland since 2011. Participation in the ranking requires no subscription or fees, and NGOs are scored based on a rigorous methodology. For more information, please see our website or contact Jean-Christophe Nothias or Brienne

NGO Advisor: we connect the nonprofit dots