NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Friday, June 16, 2017

Update your FCRA Bank Details Immediately!

FCRA Department has now asked 2025 NGOs to update their FCRA bank details by 22-June-2017. The names of these NGOs are given in a list here:

The list is sorted alphabetically. You can download and search it for your NGO's name. If you are a donor agency, please check the list for names of your grantees or partners, and alert them.

The details should be updated by filing form FC-6 online at

If you don't update the details by 22nd June, you may face further action by FCRA Department.

And if you don't share this mail immediately with 10 others, then you alone will be responsible for any misfortune that may befall them! ;)