NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Monday, June 19, 2017

NGO empowers 17 lakh families in 17 years

Bandhan-Konnagar, a not-for-profit organisation which has been working in the fields of education, health andwomen empowerment, today celebrated "Development Day" on completion of 17 years of its existence. Since 2001, the organisation has transformed the lives of 1.7 million families spread across 11 states of India -- West Bengal, Odisha, Bihar, Assam, Tripura, Jharkhand, Chhattishgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Telangana, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan. So far, its various development programmes have benefited at least 8.5 million people. The organisation has 735 branches spread across 10,356 villages. Its 2,100 employees are actively involved in welfare of the poor as well as in the fields of education, health and women empowerment. The Development Day event was attended by Mr. Bruce Bucknell, British Deputy High Commissioner, Kolkata and Mr Jawhar Sircar, IAS & Ex CEO of Prasar Bharati.In the key note address at the event, Chandra Shekhar Ghosh, Founder & Mentor, Bandhan-Konnagar, said: "I am proud to share with you that in past 17 years we have touched lives of around 17 lakh families, in 11 Indian states. The journey of 17 years is dotted with many milestones and a few setbacks. Setbacks motivated us, and success gave us inspiration. Serving the underprivileged is an integral part of our plans to achieve inclusive growth."Bandhan-Konnagar is registered under the West Bengal Societies Act, 1961. The main objective of the organization is to empower poor people and alleviate poverty. To achieve that, it offers a suite of development programmess in the fields of education, health, livelihood promotion, skills development and financial literacy. The organisation constantly strives to widen its scope of services and minimize areas of income leakage in poor families.UNI PL RN 1529
