NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Failure to furnish income details: Over 10,000 NGOs under MHA scanner

The ministry had said that between May 15 and June 14, all NGOs could upload their missing annual returns along with the requisite documents.

With many non-government organisations (NGOs) failing to furnish details of their income and expenditure to the government, more than 10,000 of them have come under the scanner of the Home Ministry and may end up losing the licence required to receive any foreign grant.

As many as 18,523 NGOs were given a one-time opportunity by the MHA in May this year to furnish details of their income and expenses by June 14.

The NGOs, which are registered under the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act or FCRA, which allows them to receive financial aid from abroad, were told to submit their annual returns for five years—2010-11 to 2014-15. However, only 8,267 NGOs filed such returns for all the five years, an official said.

The remaining 10,256 NGOs have still not filed all the returns but their details are under examination. A decision whether to give them another opportunity or cancel their licenses will be taken after the analysis, the official added.

There are 2,239 NGOs, which have filed returns for four years, 2,071 for three years, 2,057 for two years and 2,339 for one year, said the official.

The Home Ministry had earlier warned the NGOs that they will lose the registration if they fail to furnish the details. "The last date for uploading annual returns for 2010-11 to 2014-15 is June 14, 2017. Failure to upload the annual returns will lead to cancellation of registration/renewal already granted," joint secretary (foreigners) in the Home Ministry, Mukesh Mittal, had said in an order.

The ministry had said that between May 15 and June 14, all NGOs could upload their missing annual returns along with the requisite documents. No compounding fee will be imposed on them for late filing of annual returns during this period and this exemption was a one-time measure.

According to the rules, the renewal of registration for receiving the foreign aid cannot be granted unless the annual returns are uploaded to the FCRA website by the organisation. There are over 20,000 NGOs registered under the FCRA, the official said.
