NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Upload Your Missing FC Returns on FCRA Web-site or...

FCRA Department has published a list of 18,523 NGOs. The Department is not able to find the FC annual returns for these NGOs in its records. It has therefore asked these NGOs to upload their missing returns online within one month (from 15-May-17 to 14-Jun-17). No compounding fees will be charged during this period. The list can be seen here:

You should therefore go the FCRA web-site and download the list. Search (Ctrl+F) for your FCRA number or name to see whether you are in the list. If yes, check the years for which the returns are missing. Then login to your FCRA account and file the missing returns.

If you face any difficulties, please send a mail to

Remember, there is no fees for this. It is also advisable to file the missing returns, even if you think you have already filed a paper or electronic return earlier.

If you do not follow the advice, you may find your FCRA renewal is held up. And that won't be so nice!
