NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Disasters and the role of NGOs

Non governmental organizations can play a key role in disaster management.

He got injured badly. But nobody helped him. His family was not in a position to help him out. Government was unmoved. And in the meanwhile somebody informed him about them. They took him to the hospital and today he is playing with us like he used to. She was an orphan, nobody was taking care of her. She was new to this world. Her parents had died in a deadly accident, when she was only 8. Somehow, managed to live. A great man adopted her. But no one took interest in her. From nowhere, some angel came and told her about them. That girl is today married to a pious man. Engaged and absorbed in social works. She has earned a lot of fame. Our neighbours house was burnt mysteriously to ashes. Poor family was hopeless. Tried hard to get some government aid. Fake sympathy and false promises were made. Only made and never fulfilled. All of a sudden, some help came. They didn't disclosed the name. New house was built. Family survived and lived again. Who saved that family from hunger and death? Who saved his life? Who arranged her marriage? An NGO!

NGOs are loosely termed as various organizations from other then the government sector. There are many NGOs working with deep commitment, dedication and transparency. Involving the people and people's resources is their strength. But they should be well directed. Good direction is a must. The NGOs are in a position where they can play a very important role not only in identifying and prioritizing challenges of the local areas but could also examine and disseminate effectively lessons for action.

NGOs, due to their proximity to the people, society, environment etc. are in a better position to take effective steps for proper monitoring of various parameters of success.  Voluntary agencies are essentially non-profit and non-partisan organizations.  Many organizations play a very useful role in disaster management being unencumbered by a large bureaucratic structure, they can offer rapid response and a willingness to adjust to the situation prevailing on the site.

The role of NGOs remains crucial in all phases of disaster management namely relief, response, rehabilitation, reconstruction, recovery, preparedness and mitigation.  Recent trends with respect to management of natural disasters have highlighted the role of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) as a vital stakeholder in the relief and response efforts especially with respect to facilitating communication and coordination between the administration and the affected community.  They have grass-root presence and strong linkages with the communities, and can readily respond to the needs of the affected community.  

The High Powered Committee (HPC) 2001 has recommended a nationwide network of NGOs for coordinated action encompassing all aspects of disaster management. The Disaster Management Act 2005 emphasizes the need for continuous and integrated process of planning, organizing, coordinating and implementing policies and plans on DM in a holistic, community based, participatory, inclusive and sustainable manner. The Act entrusts/mandates the State Executive Committees at different levels with the responsibility to advise, assist and coordinate the activities of NGOs engaged in disaster management. The National Policy on DM 2009 mentions that Non-Governmental Organizations will be encouraged to empower the community and generate awareness through their respective institutional mechanisms.

NGOs play a vital role and can be made responsible at various levels in developing capacity and skills for disaster preparedness. At state level, they have been organized to take coordinated action for disaster preparedness. Government officials in many states are active partners of such coordinated action and both stakeholders are known to benefit from this collaboration.

NGOs can play a pivotal role in supporting the government's agenda of disaster mitigation and thereby ensuring long term resilience. They play  an  important  role  in  raising  awareness,  sensitizing  and building local  capacity  (communities  and  govt.)  to  carry out disaster mitigation actions. They foster disaster mitigation practices by many measures including: advocating at the appropriate forums including legislative and policy levels for disaster mitigation to be institutionalized in policy, legislative and institutional frameworks, disaster mitigation awareness and capacity-building activities, promoting inclusive disaster management approaches, developing operational sustainable livelihoods models etc.

In disaster response phase, search and rescue operations, damage and immediate needs assessment, NGOs coordinate with the administration and play an important role in it. Disaster relief is the prime responsibility of the Government and the role of NGOs is to supplement government efforts. They would be involved in relief assistance as per their mandate, available capacities and the needs of the area.

Disasters are inevitable, therefore disaster management warrants attention and is essential in disaster prone places such as Kashmir. Although it is often assumed that NGOs are charities or enjoy non-profit status, some NGOs are profit-making organizations such as cooperatives or groups which lobby on behalf of profit-driven interests.

Also, the increasing number of NGOs is a cause of concern. Everybody wants to volunteer and make huge contributions. It is welcome. Everyone should, as disaster management is our collective responsibility. But opening shops on the name NGOs is a cheap job. It is ridiculous, shut one and set another. It is heavily hurting the good cause. If the goal is same, what's in a name? The number keeps swelling. New are being created at a good pace. One person is the head of many and in competition with many people to create as many. I am personally not moved by such actions. How do the numbers matter? Do small things and make it large. Execution and implementation is all that matters. Better we continue the good work as a unit. Concentrate on the real cause. Then only disaster risk reduction is possible. Doing something for mere name and fame is useless and helps none.
