As per section 12(1) of the National Trust Act any voluntary organisation or the association of parents of persons with disabilities or the "Association of Persons with disabilities working in the field of autism, cerebral palsy, mental retardation and multiple disabilities" already registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860(21 of 1860), or section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956(1 of 1956), or as a Public Charitable Trust and under Persons With Disability Act, 1995 in the concerned state can apply for registration in National Trust by filling online form alongwith form `E’ (generated by the system) duly signed and stamped by the President/General Secretary of the organisation.
The registration of such organisation shall be necessary with the Trust for availing benefits under the schemes of the Trust.
How to apply online for Registration
Before one starts filling up the online form, please go through it carefully.
As per Section 12(1) any association of persons with disabilities, or any association of parents of persons with disability or a voluntary organisation whose main object is promotion of welfare of persons with disability may make an application for registration to the Board of the National Trust.
· Check your eligibility, particularly under the National Trust Act and Persons with Disabilities Act. Before applying, get registered under PWD Act if not already registered. The National Trust registration will be generally co-terminus with the registration under PwD Act-1995.
Example:- If an Organisation gets registered under National Trust Act on 1/1/2015 and its registration under PwD Act, 1995, is valid till 31/12/2017, the organisation will be considered registered under National Trust Act till 31/12/2017 only. However the organisation will be given a further period of 6 months to one year (grace period) for submission of valid certificate of registration under Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995. If the same is submitted within that period, the registration will remain valid for the balance period of registration with the National Trust. Otherwise the Registration under National Trust Act will stand cancelled. In such case the Organisation has to apply again afresh for registration under National Trust Act with full information and documents alongwith fee after getting duly registered under PwD Act, 1995.
· Keep ready the following documents
· Resolution & Authorisation of the Organisation to file application for registration.
· Form E for registration under Rule 27(3). All pages duly signed and stamped by authorised signatory.
· Audited Annual Accounts of the last two years
· Annual Report of the last year
· Memorandum of Association (MOA)
· Certificate of Registration under Persons with Disabilities Act-1995.
· Certificate of Registration/ Incorporation under any relevant Act like Societies Registration Act.
Registration Fees is Rs. 2000/- for urban & Rs. 1000/- for rural area. The fee is to be deposited electronically.
Enclose all the documents with the on-line application to facilitate expeditious processing.
Hard copy of all requisite documents, including duly signed and stamped Form E generated through online process, must be submitted in the National Trust office within seven days of online submission.
Please note that in case of any discrepancy found at any later stage between the on-line application and hard copies submitted, the National Trust will be at liberty to cancel/ modify / withdraw its approval. In such a case, the Registration Fees will not be refunded.
The NGOs who are registered with The NAtional Trust and whenever their PWD Act registration expires, shall be given a grace period of 6 months to one year, for getting new registration under PWD Act.
Application for renewal of registration should be submitted to National Trust 6 months prior to expiry of the date of registration under National Trust Act.
For registering your ngo please visit:
The registration of such organisation shall be necessary with the Trust for availing benefits under the schemes of the Trust.
How to apply online for Registration
Before one starts filling up the online form, please go through it carefully.
As per Section 12(1) any association of persons with disabilities, or any association of parents of persons with disability or a voluntary organisation whose main object is promotion of welfare of persons with disability may make an application for registration to the Board of the National Trust.
· Check your eligibility, particularly under the National Trust Act and Persons with Disabilities Act. Before applying, get registered under PWD Act if not already registered. The National Trust registration will be generally co-terminus with the registration under PwD Act-1995.
Example:- If an Organisation gets registered under National Trust Act on 1/1/2015 and its registration under PwD Act, 1995, is valid till 31/12/2017, the organisation will be considered registered under National Trust Act till 31/12/2017 only. However the organisation will be given a further period of 6 months to one year (grace period) for submission of valid certificate of registration under Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995. If the same is submitted within that period, the registration will remain valid for the balance period of registration with the National Trust. Otherwise the Registration under National Trust Act will stand cancelled. In such case the Organisation has to apply again afresh for registration under National Trust Act with full information and documents alongwith fee after getting duly registered under PwD Act, 1995.
· Keep ready the following documents
· Resolution & Authorisation of the Organisation to file application for registration.
· Form E for registration under Rule 27(3). All pages duly signed and stamped by authorised signatory.
· Audited Annual Accounts of the last two years
· Annual Report of the last year
· Memorandum of Association (MOA)
· Certificate of Registration under Persons with Disabilities Act-1995.
· Certificate of Registration/ Incorporation under any relevant Act like Societies Registration Act.
Registration Fees is Rs. 2000/- for urban & Rs. 1000/- for rural area. The fee is to be deposited electronically.
Enclose all the documents with the on-line application to facilitate expeditious processing.
Hard copy of all requisite documents, including duly signed and stamped Form E generated through online process, must be submitted in the National Trust office within seven days of online submission.
Please note that in case of any discrepancy found at any later stage between the on-line application and hard copies submitted, the National Trust will be at liberty to cancel/ modify / withdraw its approval. In such a case, the Registration Fees will not be refunded.
The NGOs who are registered with The NAtional Trust and whenever their PWD Act registration expires, shall be given a grace period of 6 months to one year, for getting new registration under PWD Act.
Application for renewal of registration should be submitted to National Trust 6 months prior to expiry of the date of registration under National Trust Act.
For registering your ngo please visit: