NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Kindly Donate to Indian Bravehearts

Indian Bravehearts is nonprofit NGO registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860, and a proud initiative of an Army Officer, and is dedicated solely for the welfare and rehabilitation of the veterans and widows of the Armed Forces fraternity, to include the three military services under Min of Def and the central armed police forces under Min of Home Affairs.

We are all well aware that these disciplined forces have always served the country well, having sacrificed everything including their family lives for the integrity of the Nation and well being of its citizen. Their unquestionable integrity, sincerity, industrious nature and absolute devotion to duty is worthy of emulation by all. There are innumerable saga of heroism and courage, both at individual and collective level. These become more pronounced considering the heavy odds they may encounter or circumstances that may prevail in the area of operations, like inhospitable terrain, extreme weather conditions, difficult living conditions, unfriendly people and surroundings, and even the lack of basic necessities like food, water and medicines. This reminds me of Tennyson’s famous lines in the poem, ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’, …. theirs not to reason why, theirs but to do and die…’.

I suppose it becomes our bounded duty and collective responsibility to look after their basic needs now that they are growing old and infirm, and help them in our own small way in leading a respectable life. Their widows too need to be cared for as they are the ones who have sacrificed more by living separately and bringing up the family single-handedly. I am sure we can at least lend a helping hand to them also !

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