NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Agape, 356 other NGOs in Telangana have no license

HYDERABAD: AGAPE, the orphanage that forced two of its HIV positive children clean a drain recently, does not have a license. What more! There are as many as 356 NGOs that have applied for license and only 50 have received the same.

Though the NGO failed to protect the inmates, the department of Women and Child Welfare is skeptical about shifting them as the NGO has been doing a fair job in providing them care.

On Friday, an emergency meeting was called by Child Welfare Committee (CWC) of Rangareddy district to look into the case of AGAPE. Lynne Guhman, Voggu, founder and managing director of the orphanage that takes care of close to 230 HIV positive children, submitted in writing that such activities will never be repeated. “It is a serious violation. The written confirmation does not guarantee protection of the children. For that, an officer from the District Child Protection Unit will be present at all times,” informed V Padmavathi, CWC member, RR district. The CWC has ordered the NGO head to speed up the process of getting a license.

“They have been trying for a license since 2007 but due to various reasons, it has been stalled,” Padmavathi informed.

Meanwhile, orders have been given to relieve warden and supervisor from services.
