NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Updating detail of FCRA Bank Accounts

As you may be aware that FCRA Dept had issued a Notice dated 18th July 2016 requiring all ‎organisations to update their Utilisation Accounts on FCRA website. Now the Department has ‎published a list of FCRA registered NGOs who have not updated their bank details till now. ‎

As per this list about 5845 FCRA Registered organizations have not yet updated their banks ‎details. In fact surprisingly this includes 2077 organization where even Designated Bank details ‎are not available with the FCRA department. ‎

We strongly recommend that please go and check these lists and if you find your organisation’s ‎name is also their please ensure that it is immediately updated.‎