NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Monday, October 3, 2016

Updating of NGO information

All existing NGOs/VOs are requested to update their information in the NGO-PS portal with Aadhaar & PAN Numbers of their Board members/Office bearers, if not done already

Please visit: NGOdarpan at:

The NGO-Partnership System (NGO-PS) Portal (NGO-DARPAN) was earlier maintained by erstwhile Planning Commission, which has been replaced by the NITI Aayog w.e.f. 1st January, 2015. The Portal, therefore, is being maintained at present under the aegis of NITI Aayog. NITI Aayog invites all Voluntary Organizations (VOs)/ Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) to Sign Up on the Portal.

VOs/NGOs play a major role in the development of the nation by supplementing the efforts of the Government. This portal enables VOs/NGOs to enrol centrally and thus facilitates creation of a repository of information about VOs/NGOs, Sector/State wise. The Portal facilitates VOs/NGOs to obtain a system generated Unique ID, as and when signed. The Unique ID is mandatory to apply for grants under various schemes of Ministries/Departments/Governments Bodies.

Click here(link is external) to visit NGO Darpan Portal