NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Application for Award of financial assistance To Cultural Organization with National Presence

Ministry of Culture invites applications from the Cultural Organizations with National Presence for sanction of grant under the Scheme

Financial Assistance to Cultural Organizations with National Presence’ for the financial year 2016-17

Last Date to apply:

23 Sep 2016

About the Scheme:

This Scheme is to provide financial assistance to Cultural Organizations with National Presence to meet the expenditure to be incurred on the cultural programmes during the financial year 2016-17.

Eligibility to apply for grant :-

1. The Applicant Organization should be registered in India having an all India Character with national presence and should have operational presence at national/international level.

2. The activities of the organization should be primarily or significantly Cultural.

3. The Organization should have capacity to do at least 20 events/programmes in a year. The Organization should have adequate working strength artistes/staff/volunteers, Organization should have spent Rs.1 crore or more during 3 of the last 5 years on cultural activities.

How to apply for Grant :-

The eligible Cultural Organizations may apply on the prescribed proforma download (Application for financial assistance to cultural organizations with national presence): from website provide by Ministry of culture, India. Before applying the Cultural Grant all the NGOs are requested to have NGO portal unique Id by Niti Aayog Portal. Then apply for grant. NGOs need (About Ngo partnership System unique Id:

Applications complete in all respect should be submitted by 23 Sep 2016 at the address mentioned below:-

Section Officer (Parts. I),

Room No.205, 2nd Floor,

D -Block, Puratatva Bhawan, GPO Complex, INA,

New Delhi-110023

More details please see on ministry of culture website:-

Important links:-

Application for financial assistance to cultural organizations with national presence :

Scheme for Financial Assistance to Cultural Organisations with National Presence

Ngo partnership System Unique Id Registration Details :