NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Monday, July 25, 2016

SCOPE for accountability check of NGOs getting funds from PSUs

New Delhi: SCOPE, apex body for central public sector enterprises, on Saturday "strongly" advocated accountability check of NGOs that are getting funds from PSUs for activities related to corporate social responsibility.

He also emphasised on the need for social audit in all such cases.

Speaking at a seminar on 'Relevance of CSR: PSE Perspective' U D Choubey, Director General, SCOPE "strongly advocated for accountability check of NGOs who are allocated funds for CSR from public sector enterprises".

Choubey said public sector enterprises have accepted 2 per cent mandatory provisions of CSR in both letter and spirit.

"Baseline survey identifying the needs of the people, evaluating and selection of implementing agencies, supervision and monitoring are made through a robust mechanism to ensure that the benefit reaches at the end point," quoting Choubey, SCOPE said in a statement.

Some of the public sector units have made trust and are in better position to implement CSR funds, he added.

Standing Conference of Public Enterprises (SCOPE) is an apex body for Central Public Sector Enterprises.
