NGOs have received over Rs 50,000 crore in the last three years, the Lok Sabha was informed. The acceptance and utilisation of foreign contribution by association or institutions is regulated under the provisions of Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA), 2010.
In a written reply to the Lok Sabha, Minister of State for Home Affairs Kiren Rijiju said that as on date, 33,091 NGOs are registered under the FCRA and the total funds received from abroad during the last three years and current year is Rs 50,944.54 crore.
He also said that funds received by the NGOs are monitored by the government, while complaints are also received from various sources including security agencies in this regard.
Penalties were also imposed for receipt and utilisation of foreign contribution without holding registration or prior permission under the FCRA. In 2014, penalty amounting to about Rs 60 lakh was imposed on 24 associations; Rs 80.11 lakh on 71 associations in 2015 and penalty of Rs 32.78 lakh on eight associations this year.
Notices were also issued to around 21,000 associations in 2011 and to 10,343 NGOs in 2014 for not filing annual returns continuously for three years, the minister pointed out.
4,138 NGOS saw their registration cancelled in 2012 and of 10,020 in March 2015 after issue of show cause notices to such associations and giving them adequate opportunity to reply, the minister said.
In a written reply to the Lok Sabha, Minister of State for Home Affairs Kiren Rijiju said that as on date, 33,091 NGOs are registered under the FCRA and the total funds received from abroad during the last three years and current year is Rs 50,944.54 crore.
He also said that funds received by the NGOs are monitored by the government, while complaints are also received from various sources including security agencies in this regard.
Penalties were also imposed for receipt and utilisation of foreign contribution without holding registration or prior permission under the FCRA. In 2014, penalty amounting to about Rs 60 lakh was imposed on 24 associations; Rs 80.11 lakh on 71 associations in 2015 and penalty of Rs 32.78 lakh on eight associations this year.
Notices were also issued to around 21,000 associations in 2011 and to 10,343 NGOs in 2014 for not filing annual returns continuously for three years, the minister pointed out.
4,138 NGOS saw their registration cancelled in 2012 and of 10,020 in March 2015 after issue of show cause notices to such associations and giving them adequate opportunity to reply, the minister said.