NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Saturday, May 28, 2016

NGOs should look beyond CSR funding when engaging with companies: CII

LUCKNOW: CII (Confederation of Indian Industry) ( in partnership with the Resource Alliance India recently organised a workshop in Lucknow which aimed at building capacities of NGOs on different aspects of the CSR legislation and for facilitating dialogue with corporates to explore potential avenues of collaboration.

Year 2016 being the third year of the legislation, most companies which have their CSR policies in place have overcome the teething issues and are all geared up to implement their CSR plans. "Therefore this was considered as a perfect time to help NGOs in preparing roadmap to approach companies for building partnership and helping them understand the language of companies. We also need to tell them how to approach and build sustainable partnerships with companies", said CII.

To achieve this, CII Foundation has organised workshops in different parts of the country towards training NGOs and calibrating their perception towards corporate engagement. Lucknow's workshop was a part of the series.

The key points discussed in the workshops were that for successful partnership, it is imperative for NGOs and companies to have alignment of goals and objectives. "NGO-corporate engagement should not only be looked through the point of CSR funding, rather partnerships can be built on other aspects like volunteering, payroll giving, sponsorship for special events and other innovative partner based interventions. Outcome, impact and scale are some of the key parameters for companies when scouting for projects", recommended CII in the workshop.

The workshop included interaction with companies like CP Milk and Food Products, TCS, Tata Motors and Reliance along with sharing of successful partnership case studies and a tutorial session on building and sustaining partnerships.
