NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Mandatory Disclosure on Website

Annual audited FCRA accounts

Rule 13 (a): Earlier NGOs receiving more than Rs 1 crore were required to put up a summary of receipts & payments on their website, however the amended rule requires that all NGOs to display audited FCRA accounts including Balance Sheet, Income & Expenditure & Receipts & Payments account for a financial year within 9 months of the year-end. Considering 9 month period ended on 31st December and the rules have been amended effective 14th Dec 2015, there is a school of thought which states that NGOs should display their FCRA accounts on their website by 31st December 2015.

Quarterly donor receipts 

Rule 13 (b): All NGOs receiving Foreign Contribution are required to disclose on quarterly basis following information:

  •  Donor-wise details of FC amounts received in its designated account as well as the date of receipt.

The above information is to be disclosed within 15 days of the quarter-end. Considering these rules were notified on 14th Dec 2015, this information is will become due for 31stDecember quarter and should be on the website by 15th January 2016.

In view of the above amendments, we urge all NGOs receiving FC to display the above information on their official websites, at the earliest. Please do note the above amendments are applicable to all NGOs registered under FCRA or having prior permission, irrespective of the amount received.

Quarterly disclosure for organizations not having their own websites

All FCRA registered / prior-permission entities have to disclose FCRA funds received on theirofficial websites. However in case of organisations which do not maintain any official website, FCRA Dep. has now come to their rescue by asking them to file quarterly returns on FCRA website.

This is how it works. An NGO wanting to post its quarterly details of FCRA funds rec’d should log on to online website of FCRA Dept. . Using its user id and password, organizations can post the quarterly return on FCRA website within 15 days of the quarter end.

Information to be posted consists of following:

  •  Name of the donor
  • Type of Donor, i.e. individual or institutional,
  • Address of the Donor
  • Purpose (select out of options like economical, social, cultural, religious, etc)
  • Amount of grant received

The above is for your information and necessary action.