NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

USAID/India seeking applications from NGOs for India Partnerships Program

Deadline: 30 March 2017

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has announced a call for proposals from qualified NGOs (and also for-profit and governmental organizations) to apply for the India Partnerships Program (IPP) under the Annual Program Statement (APS).

The IPP supports testing, adoption and scaling of creative or innovative solutions to meet development challenges in the areas of health, food security, clean energy, gender equality, female empowerment, maternal and child health, prevention and treatment of infectious diseases, affordable health care, water and sanitation access, early grade reading, promotion of clean and renewable energy, forestry, food security, triangular cooperation, gender and financial inclusion.

USAID/India is interested in providing financial or non-financial support to partners to realize concepts and ideas that hold promise in the focus areas.

The purpose of this APS is to announce the competitive process and solicit Concept Paper applications from the private and public sectors for engaging with USAID/India under the IPP. The goals of the IPP are to identify and partner with organizations and institutions who bring innovative ideas and resources of at least a 1:1 match to address jointly defined development challenges. Matching resources may include money, technologies, experience, expertise or other assets that Applicants can demonstrate as beneficial to tackling and resolving a development challenge.

Partnerships developed under this APS should contribute to achieving one or more of USAID/India’s core Development Objectives. USAID/India’s programming focuses on eight key areas. The largest of these is health, where USAID/India focuses on improving maternal and child health; behavior change communication; diagnosis, treatment and prevention of HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis; health care finance, and access to clean water and sanitation in major cities. Improving early grade reading, increasing access to clean energy, improving food security, financial inclusion and advancing gender equality and female empowerment are also key areas. USAID/India’s Development Objectives are designed jointly with the Government of India (GOI) and advance GOI priority development initiatives like Smart Cities Mission, Swachh Bharat, Campaign to end TB, and increased use of renewable energy technologies.

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