NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Frequently Asked Questions for renewal of the FCRA

Q.1 Whether the certificate of registration is to be renewed?

Ans As per Section 16 of FCRA, 2010 every person who has been granted a certificate of registration under Section 12 thereof shall have such certificate renewed within six months before the expiry of the period of the certificate.

Q.2 What is the process for renewal of registration?

Ans. Association which desire to renew their registration certificate may apply online in Form FC-3 six months before the expiry of their existing registration.

Q.3 Whether the registration certificate granted to an association under the repealed FCRA, 1976 shall have to renew their registration?

Ans. Yes. An association granted registration under the repealed FCRA, 1976 shall be deemed to have been registered under FCRA, 2010 for a period of 5 years. Registration granted under FCRA, 1976 shall remain valid for a period of 5 years from the 1st May, 2011, i.e., up to the 30th April, 2016.

Q.4 When should an Association which has been granted registration under FCRA 2010 apply for renewal of registration?

Ans. In terms of Rule 12 (2) of FCRR, 2011, an Association registered under FCRA should apply in Form FC-3 for renewal of its registration six months before the date of expiry of the certificate of registration. An Association granted registration under FCRA, 2010, i.e., after 1st May, 2011, shall have to apply for renewal of registration six months before the date of expiry of the validity of its certificate of registration.

Q.5 When should an Association which has been granted registration under FCRA 1976 apply for renewal of registration?

Ans. Since registration granted to Associations under the repealed FCRA, 1976 shall be valid up to 30th April, 2016, such Associations should have applied for renewal of their registration six months before the date of expiry of the validity, that is, on or before 31st October, 2015. However, consequent to launch of new website, the last date for filing online application for renewal has been fixed as 15.03.2016.

Q.6 What are the documents to be uploaded for renewal of registration?

Ans. Signature of Chief Functionary, seal of the association, registration certificate of the association Memorandum of Association/ Trust Deed, Self certified copy of registration are to be uploaded for renewal of registration.

Q.7 What happens if the association does not apply for renewal of registration?

Ans. The existing registration under FCRA, 2010, will cease from the date of completion of the period of five years from the date of grant of registration. In such a case, the association has to apply afresh for grant of registration.

( Information Taken On the Ministry Website)

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