NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Annual Return filing date extended to 15th March 2016

Vide a notice of 22nd December 2015, FCRA Dept has extended filling date of Annual Return (now under FC4) to 15th March 2016.

This has been done to allow FCRA users to become used to new rules as well as to allow time to stabilise to new online website. At:

Changes in online FC4 Form (Annual Return)
In addition, it is observed that now Investment in Fixed Deposit has been disabled under Utilisation column. So investment in FDs would not be treated as Utilisation. This was pointed by several persons that how one could treat investment in FDs as Utilisation, and was causing a lot of confusion.

This indicates that the form is currently being debugged and possibly the reason for extending the annual return filing date.