NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Date: 28th June 2015, Sunday Time: 9:30am to 4.30 pm

Over period of time, Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) are playing a very critical role in the process of managing development initiatives of various kinds at the grass root level. Even the Government of India has recognized the critical role of the NGOs in the Five - Year Plans, as they have commitment, credibility with the masses and professional approach to the people's issues. However, despite their good intentions, a large number of NGOs find it difficult to sustain in the long run i.e. sustainability of organisations as well as sustainability of projects. Keeping this in view, We would like to scheduled training program to trained the grass roots organization.

Training Objectives: The objectives of the programme would be to:

i) Strengthen the managerial capabilities of representatives of NGOs;

ii) To develop skills for better management of the organization and project which leads to sustainability of initiatives/ project; and

iii) To prepare the NGOs to face new emerging trends and make them able to cope up with the present scenario.

Learning Investment: Rs. 1500/- per participant. Fee includes refreshment, Lunch, High Tea and Training Kit.

Maximum Seat: 15

For Registration & Detail : 99746 55135 (M/s Nilam Shah)

Reach us
Navjivan Centre For Development
T-17, Palila Bazar, Opp. Nagar Palika Building
Mehsana-384 001, North Gujarat, India
Ph: 02762 291874, Email:
Helpline: 95105 26835, 94280 55135