NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Thursday, June 18, 2015

2015 Calls for Proposals under the CRRP and CAPaBLE Programmes

APN is inviting applications from all member countries and approved countries under two separate programmes, the Collaborative Regional Research Programme for Global Change Research (CRRP) and the Capacity Development Programme (CAPaBLE), for funding starting mid 2016.

Activities of Interest to APN for Funding from 2016

Under CRRP:
Global change and sustainability collaborative research particularly via gaps, analysis, synthesis and assessment work.
Research that develops pathways and mechanisms to achieve sustainable development and develop adaptation strategies.
Place-based integrative research particularly from developing countries.
Collaborative research that contributes to the evolving global change arena, including IPCC, IPBES, post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals, ongoing and new global change and sustainability research programmes.

Under CAPaBLE:
Scientific capacity development in the context of the 5 thematic areas.
Awareness raisign and dissemination activities for policy- and decision-making communities, civil society and the public.
Science-policy interfacing in the context of the 5 thematic areas.
Capacity-building partnership activities that contribute to the capacity development components of the evolving global change arena, including IPCC, IPBES, post-2015 Sustainable Development goals, and ongoing and new global change and sustainability research programmes.

Submission Procedures

Full details about the call for proposals, online submission procedures and relevant links and downloads are available at:

Closing Date

The deadline for the submission of summary proposals is Sunday, 9 August 2015.
