NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Population Foundation of India Call Proposals on Health of the Urban Poor (HUP) program

Deadline: 15 June 2015

The Population Foundation of India (PFI) is currently seeking proposals for Health of the Urban Poor (HUP) program, rapid assessment in five cities in India.

The Health of the Urban Poor (HUP) program is funded by USAID/India. The goal of the program is to improve the health status of the urban poor in the urban locations by adopting effective and efficient sustainable strategic intervention approaches adopting the principle of convergence of the various development programs.

The scope of the program is to document the end-line situation on knowledge, attitude, behavior and practice (KABP) of the target population in terms of MNCHN including WASH issues, health care seeking behavior and preferred choices of health functionaries for different health issues in HUP intervention area.


The assessment will be conducted in five cities- Bhubaneswar, Pune, Jaipur, Agra and Delhi.

Eligibility Criteria

The governmental and non- governmental organisations who have been working in the fields related to Reproductive and Child Health (RCH), Family Planning, Adolescent Reproductive and Sexual Health (ARSH), Community Action for Health (CAH) and Urban Health are eligible to apply.

Evaluation Process

Methods of evaluation includes-

§ Design: The sample design needs to ensure that study findings are representative of the outcome indicators for slum areas in each city

§ Sampling Frame and Sample Design: Recently conducted household listing Frame will be the sampling frame in all cities

§ Respondents: Eligible women age 15-49 years, who has given birth in last two years.

§ Study Tools: The survey will use abridged version of HUP baseline questionnaire which has earlier been pre-tested.

§ Data collection: Data collection will be done using mini laptop/palmtop/tablets, thus reducing the data entry time along with the data entry error.

Application Process

§ The proposal should include proposal including study design, timelines, key deliverables, budget and any other requirements.

§ The Technical Proposal & Financial Proposal should be submitted in a separate sealed envelope.

§ Type of proposal (Technical or Financial) should be mentioned on the top of the envelope.

§ PFI reserves its right to accept or reject any proposal without assigning any reasons thereof whatsoever.

How to Apply

All applications must be submitted via mail.

For more information, please visit PFI India.: