NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Caveat Donator!

Don't look a gift horse in the mouth, we were always told. However, times have changed since the Greeks gifted a horse to the people of Troy. They have changed even more since the FCRA 2010 became law. Donors are now coming under intense Government scrutiny.

In an unprecedented series of administrative actions, the FCRA authorities are placing donor agencies on the prior-approval list. So far, 15 donors are believed to have been placed on this list:

1. Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA);

2. Danish Institute of Human Rights (DIHR);

3. Catholic Organisation for Relief and Development Aids (CORDAID);

4. Dan Church Aid (DCA);

5. Mercy Corps, USA;

6. Inter Church Peace Council-Pax Christi (IKV-PC), Netherlands;

7. HIVOS Netherlands;

8. ICCO Stretegische Samenwerking (ICCO), Netherlands;

9. Greenpeace International;

10. Climate Work Foundation (CWF), USA;

11. 350.Org;

12. BIC, USA;

13. Avaaz, USA

14. Sierra Club USA

15. Ford Foundation, USA

However, the Home Ministry has informed the Parliament that 16 donors have been placed 'under the prior-permission category'.

Clearly, there is one more donor on the list, whose name is not yet known. Will they please raise their hand?


1. RBI/2014-15/408 DCBR.BPD (PCB/RCB) Cir.No.13/14.01.062/2014-15 dated January 15, 2015; Available at

2. Names of 10 donors are on the RBI circular referred above. Other five names are taken from press reports.

3. 'Home Ministry lists 7 violations for action against NGOs,' Economic Times, 5-May-2015,