NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Google Ad Grants for Nonprofits a Workshop by Googlers & NGOBOX 26 Feb. 2015, Gurgaon

Dear Development Sector Colleague,

We are glad to announce that Team NGOBOX along with a bunch of dedicated Googlers is organising theGoogle Ad Grants; a Workshop for the NGOs

The idea is to create a learning platform to explore the abundant opportunities in the online advertising that you may capitalise on and make your organisation more visible, also explore newer ways of funding, and whats more its Free!

It's happening this month on February 26th at the Google office in Gurgaon from 2:30 to 5:00 pm.

The focused area of the workshop would be how to utilise Ad Words, a dedicated tool of Google Advertising to facilitate in your organisational objectives. The training team would comprise dedicated Googlers who have the right expertise in the Google advertising. Some of them include Shirly Nagrani who is the Account Planner for Google, Anuraag Khandelwal an Account Optimizer for Google and Munaf Kapadia who is the Analytical Lead for Google among others.

Google Ad Grants is the nonprofit edition of AdWords, Google's online advertising tool.

It empowers nonprofit organizations, through $10,000 per month in In-Kind AdWords advertising, to promote their missions and initiatives on Google search result pages.

For more information on AdWords you may check the following link:

To register you have simply to fill the form available here , and the Team NGOBOX will get back to you about your confirmation.*

The invitation is for two people from each organisation.
At NGOBOX be firmly believe that technology can provide a great leverage to your cause, and hoping that you will take full advantage of this opportunity.

Looking forward to your active participation.

Best Regards,
Shikha Upadhayay
Lead Communication and Strategy
Mobile: +91-9971429654 ( to 6.30pm)

*Limited seats. Free Registration. Confirmation will be given after checking eligibility criteria for Google Ad Grants.