NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Three day Capacity Building program for NGOs across India on “Result Based Management – A strategic Management Approach” from 11 – 13 December, 2014

Bala Vikasa is pleased to organize Three day Capacity Building program for NGOs across India on “Result Based Management – A strategic Management Approach” from 11 – 13 December, 2014.


RBM is a participatory and Team-based approach to management designed to improve program delivery, effectiveness, efficiency and accountability that focuses on achieving defined results.

In order to aim at improving program management effectiveness a major shift is required in the program management culture. This implies a change in the way the Organization develops its strategy, designs its programs, monitors, implements, evaluates and reports on program execution placing the focus on results rather than on activities.

The RBM principles are to be applied to all activities, at the various stages of the program cycle, from programming, implementation and monitoring to evaluation and reporting. This enables a process through which results are formulated, program achievements are monitored, decision-making is better informed, reporting is facilitated and transparency and accountability are ensured.

Objective of the Training

· To familiarize participants with the concepts and methodology of RBM
To familiarize the participants on application of RBM strategy in their organizations for achieving the clearly stated results.

Course Contents
Policy, principles and characteristics of RBM.
Resource vs Result Based Management
RBM: a Management Approach
What is a Result? Types of Results
Result Chain: Inputs, Activities, Outputs, Outcomes & Impact
Identifying Assumptions, Risk Analysis
Results: Operational & Developmental
Indicators: Qualitative & Quantitative
Developing RBM Performance Measurement Framework.
Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation

Award of Certificate

The participants will be awarded a certificate of participation on conclusion of the course.


The total program cost is Rs.5000 which includes food and accommodation (non A/C rooms on 3 sharing basis). But in order to encourage the small and the grassroots NGOs we provide upto 50% scholarship which means each participant will pay only INR 2500.


Ms. Sunitha Reddy on 91-98498 44868 / 98491 65890 or 91-870-2453255.

Please fill the attached application form and send it to to register for this training.

For information on our other National and International Capacity Building programs kindly refer to our website: