NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Thursday, November 20, 2014

The German Embassy Call for Small Scale Projects in the field of Development Cooperation (Special focus on Women and Girls)

Deadline: 31 December 2014

The German Embassy in India operate a programme that enables to provide direct financial assistance to Indian NGOs and religious institutions for the implementation of small-scale projects in the field of Development Cooperation benefiting disadvantaged groups of society.

The programme is funded by the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Berlin and is implemented through German Diplomatic and Consular Missions abroad.

Small, self-contained projects in Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, New Delhi, Punjab, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand are provided with the grants by The German Embassy, New Delhi. Other states seeking grants can contact the German Consulates offices in Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata or Mumbai.

Past Projects

1. Tubewells for drinking water for poor tribal community

2. Toilets for slum population

3. Improvement of medical facilities for underprivileged communities, especially for maternal health and well-baby programmes

4. School furniture and equipment for rural, non formal girls’ schools

5. Installation of solar lantern charging stations for rural women self help groups, etc.

Eligibility Criteria

§ Applicant must be an experienced, qualified and reliable organisation, preferably a non-governmental organization (NGO) registered under the Societies Registration Act or a religious institution.

§ Project proposals must be from any sectors of poverty reduction, public health & sanitation improvement, income generation, basic education or any other related to women/girls.

§ Special preference will be given to the projects with a focus on women and girl’s empowerment.

§ Project proposals must be accompanied by at least 3 competitive quotations/ cost estimates (in Rupees) for each item to be purchased /constructed from the grant.

§ The applicant must have to contribute financially to the project and has to be in a position to financeall upcoming follow-up/ running costs for a period of at least 2 years.

§ Overhead costs (personnel, administrative and other running costs) of the organization applying or the project itself cannot be supported.

§ Project co-sponsored by any other organisation that already receives contributions from the German Federal Budget (e.g. European Union, United Nations etc.) will not be financed.

§ The applicant is further required to submit a final report on the project and its impacts on the beneficiaries, as well as a breakdown of expenses immediately after conclusion of the project.

How to apply?

Project proposals should be submitted to the Embassy before deadline. Eligible projects will be selected for promotion with regard to the focus areas of development cooperation mentioned above.

After a decision in favour of a project, an allocation agreement will have to be concluded and signed between German Embassy and the implementing agency/NGO.

For more information, visit Projects for Development Cooperation.: