NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Eye on functioning of NGO

- Hueiyen Lanpao Editorial :: November 06, 2014 -

Overall development of a state depends not only on the functioning of the government, but also on the sincerity and efficiency of a number of Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) which enjoy funding from various sources. Even though Manipur state has a large number of registered NGOs, majority of them are not functioning effectively.

Only a very few NGOs are working efficiently as per the guidelines of the funding agency, while most of them do not utilize the funds for which they are granted.

This is mainly due to the lack of proper monitoring and evaluation of the funded NGOs by the concerned departments of the state and the central governments.

In Manipur, registrations of NGOs under various acts are as easy as buying something from the market.

No proper verification of the members and location of the NGOs is done in majority of cases. Everything seems to compromise with money.

Hence, the result is mushrooming of NGOs in every nook and corner of the state.

When NGOs without proper offices and functionaries get funding from various agencies through canvassing and bribery, they no longer implement the projects either to sustain themselves or for the welfare of the society.

Most NGOs have the habit of misusing the funds as their own pocket money. The consequence is that the NGO fails to submit utilization reports in time and hence invites its own death.

Such NGOs are in fact looting public money by compromising public welfare for which the grants have been provided.

It is worthy to mention here that right from the registration of an NGO to approval of project proposal, certain high profile people are often involved. Moreover, there are also intimate nexuses between NGO and elections.

Recently, the Union Home Ministry served ultimatum to 291 NGOs of Manipur which failed to submit annual returns after availing of foreign funding for various projects.

Manipur state shared the largest number of such NGOs which actually failed to implement their projects properly.

In the meantime, a report alleging release of money by MACS to a non-functioning NGO in Sanakeithel in Ukhrul appeared in the news.

A joint survey carried out by All Manipur Anti-Drug Association (AMADA) and Ukhrul District NGOs Alliance found out that MACS has been releasing funds to an NGO called Centre for Development Activity (CDA), which in reality is not functioning in the said project area.

During the joint survey initiated on November 3 to assess condition and activities of NGOs operating in Ukhrul district, AMADA and Alliance volunteers were told by Sanakeithel Church Pastor Rev NG Hungyo that no such NGO called CDA exists or operates in the village.

Instead of blacklisting the said NGO, MACS still continues to extend funding to the NGO under the targeted intervention projects.

Whether the authorities of MACS are willingly encouraging non-functioning NGOs to earn money in the name of controlling HIV epidemic, or they are implementing projects only in the office files ?

The Governing Body of MACS must take tangible action against the erring officials before the coming of World AIDS Day on December 1.
