NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

UP M.D/M.S Admission 2015

New Delhi: U.P.Unaided Medical Colleges Welfare Association (UPUMCWA), Anand Ashram Complex, Rampur Garden, Bareilly (U.P.) will be conducting U.P. Combined Medical Entrance Test (UPPGMET-2015) for admission to M.D./M.S./ Post Graduate Diploma course in unaided minority as well as non minority member medical colleges of Uttar Pradesh.

The entrance examination will be held on 10-01-2015 from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM at New Delhi / Delhi.

List of Member-Colleges:

Code - 001:

Muzaffarnagar Medical College, Muzaffarnagar (MMC)*
Opp. Begrajpur Industrial Area, Adjacent to Reliance Petrol Pump,
115 Km. Stone, NH-58, Delhi-Dehradun Road, Muzaffarnagar (U.P.)
Phone : 01396-252702, 252704 Fax : 01396-252703, 252708; Mob. 9837066610, 9358922666
Email :; Website :

Code - 002:

NSCB Subharti Medical College, Meerut (SMC)*
Subhartipuram, Delhi-Haridwar By Pass Road, N.H. 58 Meerut (U.P.)
Phone: (0121) 2439056, 2439027, Fax: (0121) 2439127

Code - 003:

Rama Medical College Hospital & Research Centre (RMCHRC)*
Rama Educational City, G.T. Road, Mandhana, Kanpur - 209 217 (UP)
Phone : 0512-2583785 Fax : 0512-2583875
Website :

Code - 004:

Rohilkhand Medical College, Bareilly (RMC)*
Opp. Suresh Sharma Nagar, Pilibhit Bye-Pass Road, Bareilly 243 006 (U.P.)
Phone : 9359102935, 0581-2526011, 2526012
Fax : 0581-2526054, 2303345
Website :

Code - 005:

Shri Ram Murti Smarak
Institute of Medical Sciences, Bareilly (SRMSIMS)*
Ram Murti Puram, 13.2 Km. Bareilly-Nainital Road, Bareilly 243 202 (U.P.)
Phone : 91-581-2582031-33 Fax : 91-581-2582030
Website : Email :

Code - 006:

Hind Institute of Medical Sciences (HIMS)*
Near Canal, Safedabad, Faizabad-Lucknow Road, Barabanki (U.P.)
Phone : 05248-227787, 226685, Fax : 0522-2352356
Email :; Website :

Code - 007:

Saraswati Institute of Medical Sciences (SIMS)*
NH-24, Anwarpur, Hapur, Ghaziabad
Phone : 0122-2325317, 2321151, 2320511, 09219443322, 09219569618 Fax : 0122-2321151
Website : ; Email :

Code - 008:

Sharda University School of Medical Sciences and Research*
Plot No. 32-34, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida (U.P.) - 201306
Phone : 120-3121001, 3121002
Email :; Website :

Code - 009:

Career Institute of Medical Sciences & Hospital**
Sitapur - Hardoi Bypass road, I.I.M., Ghailla, Lucknow -226020
Phone: +9115403074, +91-9935237590, +91-9305585271, 0522-2960429, 0522-2960439
Website:, E-mail:

Code - 010:

Major S. D. Singh Medical College & Hospital**
Bewar Road, Baikunthpuri, Fatehgarh, District - Farrukhabad
Mobile : 9415167864, 9415472381, 9839553056
E-mail :, Website:

Code - 011:

Mayo Institute of Medical Sciences**
(A Unit of Bodhisatva Charitable Trust)
Faizabad road, Gadia Barabanki, U.P., India
Reg. Off.: 2/330, Vikas Khand II, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow - 226010. U.P., India
Ph :091-9235445111, 91-9235461111
Fax : 0522-2303939 Email :

Code - 012:

Rama Medical College Hospital & Research Centre**
Ramade oi, NH-24, 38 km milestone, Moradabad - Delhi highway,
Ph.: 0512-2780891/93, Fax : 0512-2780894

Educational Qualification:

The candidate must have completed M.B.B.S. course from an institute duly recognized by Medical Council of India.
The Internship of the candidate must be completed.
The candidate must have his/her registration with State Medical Council / Medical Council of India.
For NRI / Foreign candidates, the above mentioned criteria must be approved by the Medical Council of India.


Application forms can be obtained & submitted in the following three modes:

1. From the Cash Counters of the participating colleges on Cash Payment of Rs. 1500/=.

Such applications are to be completely filled & sent through Speed Post to the “Coordinator – UPPGMET 2015, First Floor, Anand Ashram Complex, Rampur Garden, Bareilly – 243 001”.

2. downloaded from the website and after printing the same on A-4 sheet, such applications are to be completely filled and sent along with the Demand Draft of Rs. 1500/= in favor of “UPUMCWA” payable at “Bareilly (U.P.)” to the “Coordinator – UPPGMET 2015, First Floor, Anand Ashram Complex, Rampur Garden, Bareilly – 243 001”.

3. Completely filled Online through the link provided on the website

(along with uploading of the signature, recent color passport size photograph, and Left hand thumb impression). A Demand Draft of Rs.1500/= in favor of “UPUMCWA” payable at “Bareilly (U.P.)” is to be attached with the Confirmation Page after completely filling the form online the No. of the Demand Draft must be filled at the designated place while filling the form online. Thereafter, the Confirmation Page can be generated and the print of the same is to be sent through Speed Post to the “Coordinator – UPPGMET 2015, First Floor, Anand Ashram Complex, Rampur Garden, Bareilly – 243 001”.

Send the duly filled in form by Registered Speed Post along with a DD of Rs.1500/- in favour of "UPUMCWA" payable at "Bareilly" to The Co-ordinator UPPGMET-2015, Ist Floor, Anand Ashram Complex, Rampur Garden, Bareilly - 243 001

The candidates should fill-in the application form neatly and legibly and submit with the following enclosures:-

a. Xerox Copy of Mark Sheet of M.B.B.S. Final & Pre-Final Prof duly attested by gazetted

officer/principal of institution.

b. Xerox Copy of the Internship Completion Certificate duly attested by gazetted officer/principal

of institution.

c. Xerox Copy of Mark Sheet of 10+2 duly attested by gazetted officer/principal of institution.

d. Xerox Copy of 10th Standard certificate duly attested by gazetted officer/principal of institution

as a proof of age.

e. Photocopy of Caste Certificate for SC & ST issued by competent authority.

f. Photocopy of Caste Certificate for OBC issued by competent authority

e. Four Copies of the recent passport size coloured photograph.

Centre for Examination : The suitable no. of examination centres for UPPGMET-2014 will only be in the following city: New Delhi / Delhi

Last date for online/Offline form submission: 20-10-2014

Date of Entrance Examination : 10-01-2015

For further details, visit website link:
