Dear Friends,
Greetings from siddharthvillage, odisha. We are glad to inform you that the Permaculture experts from Germany Mr. John Button and his wife who have conducted number of permaculture courses in India and Asia would be arriving at siddharthvillage, kakiriguma, Koraput to conduct ten day sessions –(theoretical, technical, practical) on permaculture. One more expert also may join the session as resource person. The sessions will be held in English with Odiya/Hindi translation. It is a certificate course certified by Gaia Education, U.K..
Siddharthvillage Resorts, Kakirigumma is a bio diversity campus opt for all practical experience on permaculture principles and practices.
We invite you to take this opportunities to learn from the experts by taking part in this ten day sessions scheduled between 9th Nov and 18thNov 2014. Only ten accommodations are available at present for NGOS and individuals. Candidates from south Odisha are given preference.
The nominal course fees is Rs.4000 including accommodation and food ( organic ) at siddharthvillage Resorts bio diversity campus at kakirigumma, Koraput dist.
Route: The train Hirakhand express leaves 7.30 pm at Bhubaneswar and reach next morning at Kakirigumma at 8 am in the morning. Siddharthvillage Resorts is only two kms from the Railway station.
Those who would like to nominate candidates for this course, may approach us before 25th October.
Thanking you and with warmest regards,
Yours sincerely,
Front Office Executive
Siddharthvillage, Odisha
Dist: Khurda
Orissa, INDIA
Ph.No. +91-674-2490160/2490516
mobile-09437027455 / 09437009322
Greetings from siddharthvillage, odisha. We are glad to inform you that the Permaculture experts from Germany Mr. John Button and his wife who have conducted number of permaculture courses in India and Asia would be arriving at siddharthvillage, kakiriguma, Koraput to conduct ten day sessions –(theoretical, technical, practical) on permaculture. One more expert also may join the session as resource person. The sessions will be held in English with Odiya/Hindi translation. It is a certificate course certified by Gaia Education, U.K..
Siddharthvillage Resorts, Kakirigumma is a bio diversity campus opt for all practical experience on permaculture principles and practices.
We invite you to take this opportunities to learn from the experts by taking part in this ten day sessions scheduled between 9th Nov and 18thNov 2014. Only ten accommodations are available at present for NGOS and individuals. Candidates from south Odisha are given preference.
The nominal course fees is Rs.4000 including accommodation and food ( organic ) at siddharthvillage Resorts bio diversity campus at kakirigumma, Koraput dist.
Route: The train Hirakhand express leaves 7.30 pm at Bhubaneswar and reach next morning at Kakirigumma at 8 am in the morning. Siddharthvillage Resorts is only two kms from the Railway station.
Those who would like to nominate candidates for this course, may approach us before 25th October.
Thanking you and with warmest regards,
Yours sincerely,
Front Office Executive
Siddharthvillage, Odisha
Dist: Khurda
Orissa, INDIA
Ph.No. +91-674-2490160/2490516
mobile-09437027455 / 09437009322