NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Monday, October 6, 2014

Final Announcement for Consultation on Governance and Laws of NPOs

Invitation for the Consultation on Governance and Laws of NPOs

Scheduled to be held on 16th & 17th October 2014

Dear Colleagues,


Voluntary sector is governed by various laws depending upon the country of its incorporation. While there are specific legislations that are enacted exclusively for the voluntary sector, there are other common laws that apply to the sector as well.

On the other hand, NPO Governance is fast emerging as a critical area where debate and deliberations are being held at various levels. NPO Governance is also linked with the whole issue of accountability and transparency and therefore assumes high significance in the debate of development effectiveness.

Given the complexity of the regulatory framework and the fact that NPO governance is emerging as an area requiring attention, demands a deeper understanding of the underlying issues, its criticality and scope.

It is in this backdrop, FMSF is organizing a two days consultation on “Governance & Laws of NPOs” on 16th and 17th October 2014 in New Delhi, India.

It is also noteworthy to mention that FMSF has undertaken research on the above subject in this region and as an outcome of this research, a publication entitled “NPO Governance & Laws” would be released during this consultation.

For further details of the convention, please refer to the programme brochure attached herewith.

We would like to request you all to block the above dates (16th and 17thOctober 2014) and send your confirmation of participation latest by 10th October, 2014. The same would be helpful for us to finalize the logistical arrangements. You are requested to kindly send the confirmation by filling up the attached ‘Registration form’.

Looking forward to your presence and participation.


Sanjay Patra

Executive Director