NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Local NGOs in India invited to submit concept Notes for USAID’s QDDM Project

Deadline: First Round of Concept Notes is 26 September 2014 but the program is open for applications till 2015

The United States Agency for International Development Mission India (USAID/India) is requesting concept notes from local NGOs registered in India to receive funding for providing a range of programs and services for vulnerable populations especially woman and children under the ‘Quality Data for Decision Making’ (QDDM) Project.

This funding program “targets India’s vulnerable, marginalized, and underserved populations spread across rural areas, urban slums, and tribal pockets – including those currently outside the realm of effective service provision for reasons related to economics, gender, and social inclusion (notably females across the life cycle).

USAID has a total budget of 6 million dollars for a period of 4 years to provide funding support for NGOs implementing the projects under this program.

USAID/India’s Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) for the period 2013-2017 has adopted new solutions and approaches such as:

§ Building Locally-Led Alliances and Multi-Stakeholder Platforms

§ Establishing Linkages with Priority National Programs

§ Promoting Game-Changing Innovations and Proven High Impact Solutions

§ Strengthening Health Systems

§ Utilizing Appropriate Frameworks and Tools for Reaching Scale

This grants program is in accordance with the policy set out by the Government of India’s Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW) which is committed to enhancing the use of quality data (HMIS – Health Management Information Systems) to improve the status of RMNCH+A (Reproductive, Maternal, New Born, Child & Adolescent Health).

The overall goal of the program is “Increased access to quality, proven high impact RMNCH+A services by improving data quality and enhancing evidence-based decision-making.” and the specific purpose is to facilitate evidence-based decision-making using improved quality and use of data.

NGOs should have a minimum of 3 years of experience implementing related programs and projects and they should be able demonstrate institutional and management capacity to manage donor funds. Organizations with less than 3 years’ experience may apply but they still need to demonstrate their capacity in implementing the project Applicant NGOs can enter into a partnership with an international partner to provide technical assistance for the project.

For more information, visit this link :