NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Thursday, August 21, 2014

International conference in South Odisha

Dear Friends,

We are glad to inform that GENOA-Global Ecovillage Network-Oceania and Asia, based at Japan organizes International Conference on Ecovillage for sustainable rural Development- a model for adaptation of climate change scheduled between 31st Oct and 2nd Nov followed by exposure visit to indigenous ecovillage and self healing session namely “Inner Dance” and assembly of Next Gen for youth scheduled between 3rd Nov and 7th Nov 2014 at siddharthvillage community school of ecology, Kakiriguma, Koraput,Orissa. Around eighty participants from various countries are expected to attend the conference.

We request you to inform and nominate your staffs for practically learning ecovillage model for climate change adaptation.

We send you in the attachment the flyer of international conference, Next Gen assembly Inner dance and exposure, for your reference.

Thanking you and with warmest regards,

Yours Sincerely


Executive Director
THREAD, Siddharthvillage
Orissa, INDIA