NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

How to become an Implementing Partner for USAID/India’s Partnership Program

The India Partnerships Program is designed to catalyze, facilitate, and support such collaboration toward shared objectives in such important areas as maternal and child health, control of infectious diseases, the promotion of clean and renewable energy, early literacy, water access, and food security. The goal of this programme is to tackle development challenges in a replicable and sustainable manner leading to dramatic improvements in development indicators.

Potential Resource Partners from India are invited to submit proposals for India Partnerships Program (IPP) in Gender, WASH, Environment, Food Security and Education.

Proposals are invited in the following areas:

§ Health

§ Urban India Water and Sanitation for Health Alliance (Urban WASH Alliance)

§ Early Grade Reading

§ Clean Energy and Forestry

§ Food Security and Nutrition

Eligibility criteria:

§ USAID/India is open to receiving Concept Papers from organizations (non-profits, non-governmental NGOs) that may be able to provide funding, but which through their network of contacts and association may be able to secure private sector funding for particular projects which they may be interested in implementing.

§ All organizations are expected to comply with applicable local laws. For Indian organizations that will receive USAID/India funding, it may be necessary to obtain Government of India approval in accordance with the Foreign Contributions Regulations Act (FCRA) prior to receiving such funds.

For more information and partnership opportunities please visit:

Website: The USAID/India web site is now located at Please update your links and bookmarks to this new web address
