NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Thursday, July 10, 2014


Address: 220 East 42nd Street, 21st Floor, New York, NY 10017, USA

Telephone: +1 646 781 4805


Countries/Regions: Developing countries

Topics/Subjects: women, human rights, health, violence, HIV/AIDs, conflict

Description: The U.N. Trust Fund to End Violence against Women is an inter-agency grant-making mechanism that is managed by U.N. Women on behalf of the U.N. system. It supports local, national, regional and cross-regional efforts to prevent and respond to all forms of violence against women and girls in all contexts. Every year, the Trust Fund supports proven, innovative and catalytic multi-year projects aimed at preventing violence, expanding support services to survivors, and strengthening the institutional response to violence. To date, the Trust Fund has awarded $95 million to 368 initiatives in 132 countries and territories. It currently supports 78 active initiatives in 71 countries with grants totaling $56.8 million. The Fund accepts applications from a wide range of civil society organizations and networks (from community-based organizations to research institutions) as well as governments and U.N. country teams. 

Type of grant: Project

Grant range: $50,000-$1 million

Average grant duration: 2-3 years

Deadline(s): Check website for requests for proposals and deadlines.

How to apply: No longer accepting applications for its 18th grant cycle (2014). Check website for updates on the Fund’s next call for proposals.