Address: 1919 Addison Street, Suite 304, Berkeley, CA 94704, USA
Telephone: +1 510 845 1447, toll free +1 888 729 1796
Countries/Regions: Developing countries
Topics/Subjects: health, education, women, international development
Type of grant: health resources
Grant range: Provides free Hesperian health guides.
Average grant duration: short-term
Deadline(s): Awards grants throughout the year.
How to apply:
Send a letter to including the following information:
Your program or work;
Which Hesperian books you are interested in receiving (selection of books can be viewed here:;
How you would use the books;
A mailing address.
Telephone: +1 510 845 1447, toll free +1 888 729 1796
Countries/Regions: Developing countries
Topics/Subjects: health, education, women, international development
Description: Hesperian Health Guides is a non-profit organization that writes and publishes books and digital resources to support community-based healthcare in poor, rural, and marginalized areas around the world. Heavily illustrated and written in consultation with community partners, these resources make health care information accessible even to people with minimal formal education. The Gratis Books Program is a donor-supported fund that provides free books to health workers, school teachers, and other educators in poor countries who cannot afford the costs of purchasing the Hesperian health guides themselves. Because of other potential resources available to them, U.S.-based organizations or volunteers, such as Peace Corps volunteers, are not eligible for free books, even when the request is for books to be used by local health workers. However, Gratis Books is happy to consider requests directly from community organizations based in the developing world.
Type of grant: health resources
Grant range: Provides free Hesperian health guides.
Average grant duration: short-term
Deadline(s): Awards grants throughout the year.
How to apply:
Send a letter to including the following information:
Your program or work;
Which Hesperian books you are interested in receiving (selection of books can be viewed here:;
How you would use the books;
A mailing address.