NGO Consultant

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Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

RT's Blog on the debate over IB report on NGO

Dear All,

The Intelligence Bureau has prepared a report on the foreign funded NGOs in India (FFNGOs) wherein they have alleged that several NGOs and activists are deliberately stalling the development process in India by their protests and activism against various development projects. The report states that the negative impact of these NGOs activism on the GDP growth is assessed to be 2-3% and therefore these NGOs have been called a threat to India’s national economic security.

This has started a serious debate in the Indian media. Does the timing of this planned leak of the IB report speak of new government’s intention to reign in independent and critical voices of NGOs? Is this report the first of its kind? What would be its impact on the new Government’s slogans like ‘Minimum Government, Maximum Governance’? Dr. Rajesh Tandon writes about these issues in his latest blog update “Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas” (Work with All, For Development of All)”

Please find below the link to the PDF version of the blog, shared on PRIA’s SlideShare account. Please read, give your valuable feedback and share with your networks.

With Regards,

President's Office
PRIA, New Delhi