NGO Consultant

NGO Consultant
Odisha NGO Consultancy Services

Sunday, June 22, 2014

India CSR Summit 2014 CSR Impact Awards and IdeaPitch

Dear Sir/Madam,

NGOBOX has emerged as the biggest development sector platform in India in last two years. Our two
flagship events ‘Better Healthcare through CSR’ and ‘Better Education through CSR’ have been landmark forums to bring together businesses, NGOs and Government Agencies to forge CSR partnerships.

Taking a step further, we present to you two days event ‘India CSR Summit 2014’ to be held on 17-18 September 2014. The event venue is India International Centre, New Delhi. (Know more)

India CSR Summit 2014
The four pillars of this two days event are:
• Conference
• Networking Sessions
• CSR Impact Awards (For CSR Implementing partners)
• IdeaPitch (CSR Project ideas)

Five Thematic Tracks (Sessions) in the Conference:
• Education
• Environment
• Healthcare
• Livelihoods
• Special Categories (Old Age, Women Empowerment, Specialy-abled etc)

Target Participants
• Overall 350+ participants
• 180+ Organizations
• 70+ CSR Heads/Managers
• 100+ NGO Leaders
• 170+ CSR Executives, top management of NGOs, Consultants, Communication persons, Fundraisers
• Government officials

Pitch Your CSR Idea to CSR Heads (IdeaPitch)
IdeaPitch is an initiative of NGOBOX to kindle innovative and impactful CSR project ideas under the ambit of the CSR rules as defined in the Section 135 and the Schedule VII of the Companies Act 2013. We invite CSR project implementing agencies (eligible under the provisions of the Companies Act 2013) to submit their CSR project ideas /concepts for the IdeaPitch. Ten best project-ideas will be selected as per the process mentioned below and will be presented to the CSR Heads/Managers and other participants in ‘India CSR Summit 2014’. Apply before 25th July 2014. (Know more)

CSR Impact Awards 2014 (For implementation partners)
CSR Impact Award 2014 is an initiative to encourage CSR project implementing agencies to deliver high impacts through CSR projects and adopt multi-stakeholder approach leading to excellence in project outcomes. This initiative will focus on identifying high impact CSR projects (already implemented or ongoing) in eight categories at Pan-India level.
We have partnered with institutions and organizations of repute to take collaborative steps to recognize CSR partners with excellence in delivering through partnership, persistence and project or programme-based approach. Apply before 25th July 2014. (Know more)

To explore association/partnership/registration and other opportunities get in touch with us.
